Recipe for Summer: Digestive Bitters
When you hear digestive bitters, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Something gross, right? In the Western culture, we rarely incorporate anything bitter (or even sour for that […]
When you hear digestive bitters, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Something gross, right? In the Western culture, we rarely incorporate anything bitter (or even sour for that […]
In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and in many countries around the world, Summer is a beautiful time to pause and celebrate all of the hard work of the year so […]
“I always get sick this time of year.” “I can’t tell if it’s allergies or a cold but I’m feeling crummy.” Sound like you? Funny how we have normalized getting […]
The COVID-19 vaccine has generated quite the conversation in the media, politics, scientific community, and within our homes. From questioning if the vaccine is safe, the motivations behind the passing […]
According to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and about a gazillion other nature-based systems of healing, Spring is the optimal time for birthing/rebirthing, creativity, cleansing, and nurturing growth. But what does […]
Spring brings with it vibrant awakening energy and flourishing blooms beginning all around us. With the increased energy surging through nature and the air, we tend to forget about the […]
The change of the seasons have come, passing the holidays by us once more. After a long, cooped up year that we’ve left behind, and the high energy of the […]
The synchronicity of the seasons with nature and our daily lives is pure magic (and a little bit of mystery, too). Through the changing of the temperatures, the slowing down […]
How are your sinuses and lungs? I have been feeling dry, dry, dry. The air quality in Colorado has been terrible since mid-summer with smoke and ash visible in the […]
For me, this has been a year of letting go. Letting go of the way I want/hope/wish things would be, of the way I sometimes feel they should be. Letting […]
Can you feel it? The heat and energy of summer is slowly coming to a close, transitioning us into what we traditional Chinese medicine practitioners refer to as Late Summer. […]
Did you know that it’s possible to feed your sweet tooth without having all the refined sugar and additives, too? Dates are one way to nourish your Earth Element without […]