Online Offerings
Meeting you exactly where you are and supporting you to get to where you want to be. Browse below to choose the offering that best speaks to you...

The Reset: Cleansing for your Body, Mind, and Spirit
Join me for a comprehensive yet gentle cleanse where I walk you through my step by step process for resetting your hormone, digestive, immune, and nervous system. Put out those fires in your body and start feeling more like YOU today.

Everyday Chinese Medicine: Discover Your Path to Immunity, Vitality, and Optimal Health
Join me as we dive into demystifying and simplifying an ancient way of life that gets to the root of our modern, everyday imbalances. This course will support you in taking control of your own wellbeing from the comfort of your home and kitchen.

Your True Nature: Understanding Five Element Diagnosis
The ancient wisdom and power of the Five Elements has been used in spirituality and medicine throughout the world. Learn to recognize them and explore what these elements reveal about your true nature, and the path to your greatest gifts.